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28 July ? 4 August 2002 ? Póvoa de Varzim, PORTUGAL
1 Organizing Authority and Venue
The 2002 Vaurien World Championship will be held from 28 July till 4 August 2002, inclusive, in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. The Organizing Authority is CNP ? Clube Naval Povoense in conjunction with the Portuguese Sailing Federation and the AsVaurien Portugal.
2 Rules
2.1 The championship will be governed by the 2001-2004 Racing Rules of Sailing, the prescriptions of the Portuguese sailing federation, the current Rules of the International Vaurien Class, including the Championship Rules, the Measurement Regulations, the Notice of Race (except if any of these are altered by the Sailing Instructions) and by the Sailing Instructions.
2.2 Alterations of the RRS
RRS 62 and 66 will be altered to require that on the last day of racing, requests for redress and requests to reopen a hearing must be lodged within 30 minutes after the Jury?s last decision has been posted.
3 Advertising
The regatta is designated as a Category ?C? event in terms of RRS Appendix 1. Boats may be required to display advertising of the event sponsor on each side on the forward 25% of the hull. Such advertising shall be affixed to the hull according to the Sailing Instructions.
4 The 720º Turns penalty
Alternative penalties for infringement of RRS 42 shall apply through the Yellow flag system (onthewater judging).
5 Eligibility and Entry
5.1 All competitors shall be currently paid up members of a recognized National Vaurien Association.
5.2 To qualify for the Junior Championship, entrants must be born on or after 1 January 1983.
5.3 Entries must be submitted on the Official Entry Form not later than 20 June 2002 to:
Clube Naval Povoense, Apartado 24. 4490 – 523 Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal
Tel: +351 252 622 791 / 252 688 121 Fax: 252 688 123
E-mail: clubenavalpovoense@clix.pt
5.4 The entry fee of ? 100 shall be paid upon arrival, on the first day of registration.
Additional entry forms are available from the above address.
6 Schedule of Registration and Racing
28 July 2002 Registration and Measurement: 10.00-20.00
29 July Registration and Measurement: 10.00-20.00
30 July Training Race 12.00
Skippers meeting 17.00
Opening Ceremony 18.00
followed by a party
31 July Start of the 1st race 10.30
1 August Start of the race(s) 10.30
2 August Rest Day
3 August Start of the race(s) 10.30
4 August Start of the race(s) 10.30
Last possible start 15.30
Prize Giving Dinner 20.00
7 Liability and Insurance
CNP and any other party involved in the organization of the regatta will accept no liability whatsoever for any personal or material damage (including but not limited to death, injury, consequential damages, etc.) sustained prior to, during or after the regatta. For every participating boat a valid thirdparty liability insurance shall exist with a minimum cover of ? 100,000 per event or the equivalent in the currency of the country of registration of the boat, shall exist and shall be shown at Registration.
8 Measurement
All boats shall undergo measurement of hulls, spars and sails as well as equipment checks according to the Rules of the International Vaurien Class.
9 Sailing Instructions
The Sailing Instructions will be available from the Regatta Office from 10h00 on 28 July 2002.
10 Racing Area
Racing will be conducted on the waters of Póvoa de Varzim.
11 Courses
The course to be sailed in accordance with the Vaurien WorldChampionship Rules.
12 Scoring
The Low-point Scoring System, RRS Appendix A will apply. Ten*) races are scheduled, of which four shall have been completed to constitute a valid championship. If five or more races are completed, each boat may discard her worst score. If eight or more races are completed, two discards are made.
For the Junior and Women Championships, the scores of the Junior and women competitors will be lifted, unaltered, from the final, overall results each day and be listed separately. Junior and womens?s results will also remain in the overall results list.
13 International Jury & Appeals
The decisions of the International Jury shall be final and there shall be no right of appeal in accordance with RRS 70.4.
14 Prize giving & Trophies
14.1 The Prize giving will be held on 4 August at 20:00.
2. The winner of the senior championship will be declared the 1999 Vaurien World Champion.
3. The winner of the junior championship will be declared the 1999 Vaurien Junior World Champion.
4. The winner of the Women championship will be declared the 1999 Vaurien Women World Champion.
14.2 The perpetual Trophy shall be awarded to the winner of the senior championship who will be declared the 2002 Vaurien World Champion.
15. Additional information
For any further information please contact:
The Regatta Secretary: 2002 World Championship
Clube Naval Povoense, Apartado 24.
4490 – 523 Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal
Tel: +351 252 622 791 / 252 688 121 Fax: 252 688 123
E-mail: clubenavalpovoense@clix.pt
*) In the moment, the Worldchampionship rules say six races, but maybe the changings in 12/2001 allow more. That´s our proposition for Paris.
Póvoa de Varzim ; PORTUGAL
Please enter the boat with the sail number: …………………………………………..?.
Helmsman: …………………………………………………………………………………….
First name/s Family Name
Crew: ……………………………………………………………………………..???…….
First name/s Family Name
Date of Birth:……………………………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………
Phone: …………………………………………………….. Fax: ………………………………………………..
E-mail address: ………………………………………………………………………………
Club: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Owner of yacht: …………………………………………………………………………….
I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the rules of the International Vaurien Class, the Sailing Instructions and any other applicable rules.
I will present proof of current valid 3rd party insurance and a current valid measurement certificate at the time of registration and I certify that no structural changes have been made to the yacht which would in any way invalidate the certificate.
I declare that I, the owner or his representative and the helmsman will participate entirely at our own risk and no damage or injury therefore shall rest with the organizing authority or any person connected with the running of the regatta.
SIGNATURE OF HELMSMAN: …………………………………………………………… DATE: ………………